
Sales Tax Calculator - CLICK HERE

Direct payments to the IRS - CLICK HERE

FTB (California Tax Payment) -  CLICK HERE

IRS Forms and Publications - CLICK HERE

Corporation Tax Information - CLICK HERE

Partnerships Tax Information - CLICK HERE

Small Business Tax Center - CLICK HERE

Rates ( Mileage)  - CLICK HERE

IRS Retirement Plans (401k,SEP)-CLICK HERE


Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)

Tax Withholding Estimator - CLICK HERE

Income statement Template -

(Requires Micorsoft Excel)

S-Corporation Checklist -

(Requires Micorsoft Word)

Marzeh Khanjari, CPA


We offer efficient business structures & strategic planning to help business owners to grow, avoid paying too much in taxes, help business owners retain more of income to support the growth needs of the business